Nominations For Excellence Awards

We wish to announce that the Excellence Awards Committee has started the selection process for the 2020/2021 excellence awards. The Committee hereby invites members of staff to submit nominations/ entries for the following categories:

  1. Innovation and Productivity Award;
  2. Outreach Champion;
  3. Customer-focused Service Delivery;
  4. Long Service

Duly completed nomination forms (available on the University website) should be submitted not later than 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 14th April 2022 to the Committee's Secretariat at the address below:

Directorate of Performance Contract and Quality Management Systems
Northern Block (Ground Floor)
Main Campus

Members of Staff are further requested to familiarize with the policy on excellence awards which is already in the University Website.

Thank you.

19 September 2024
29 January 2024
22 October 2021