Students’ Association Electoral code of conduct

IN EXERCISE of the powers contained in Article 40 of the South Eastern Kenya University Students’ Association (SEKUSA) Constitution, 2017, the following Regulations are hereby made with respect to the 2021 South Eastern Kenya University Students’ Association elections.



1.This Code of Conduct may be cited as the SEKUSA Electoral Code of Conduct 2021, and shall be subscribed to by:-
(a) all candidates duly nominated under SEKUSA electoral rules. and
(b) all agents or officials involved in the electoral process.
2.All candidates shall execute this Code to signify their willingness to be bound by its provisions, and their commitment to ensuring that their supporters abide by this Code at all stages of elections.
3. The object of this Code is to promote conditions conducive to the conduct of free and fair elections and a climate of tolerance in which campaigns may take place without fear, coercion, intimidation or reprisals.

 Download Students’ Association Electoral code of conduct

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29 January 2024
22 October 2021